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Online e-books library with membership and DRM - Joomla CMS 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Jessica clarkson 接包方 : Hardwarrior 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101480
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access SEO Joomla
发布日期 : 2010-05-02


Calling all Joomla experts....

I would like to setup a website using Joomla CMS offering membership on online IT ebook library.
Distribution of ebooks will be strictly controlled by a DRM (Digital Rights Management).
Members will only be permitted to download and read e-books on a single user and a single computer basis. Printing by default will be prevented.

I will also need some on-page basic SEO to be done on the website (permalink, meta description, etc).
Dont worry about the off-page SEO (such as building backlins), I will arrange that on a different project.

I have almost everything needed for this project. I already have the web hosting, joomla template, membership plugin, as well as the DRM plugin. I have not purchase the DRM plugin, but I have done the research and I already have a choice on the DRM plugin.

The membership plugin will be from: http://membership.opensource-excellence.com/

The DRM plugin will be from: http://www.drm-x.com/DRM_Plain_PDF.aspx

The only missing is the additional SEO plugin (if not using the default SEO feature), and I am open to any suggestion.

I will buy and provide all the plug-ins, basically what I need on this project are:

1. Install all the plugins, integrate and making sure everything is working properly. I might enable all the features available on the plugin, such as I might need to set/offer a package on membership access only for a specific topic/subject.

2. Lots of downloading and uploading work, since all the materials (hundreds could be thousands of ebooks), are hosted somewhere else on a 3rd party (I will provide you with the username and password for this). You will also be responsible on making sure that the content is in pdf format (might need reliable converter from .chm to .pdf, as some ebooks are in .chm format) and also making sure that there are no duplicate content. You will need a high speed Internet connection to speed up the download and uploading work.

3. I might also use a newsletter/email marketing system which I already have and hosted somewhere else, integration most likely will be very simple, only by providing external http link to subscribe to our newsletter.

I have a very limited budget and I dont believe this is a complicated job. Most time you will spend is on downloading and uploading the materials.

You may take a look at my website at www.jagoanebook.com

I will be waiting for your bidding and when you bid, besides the price, please mention the estimate completion time for this job as well as some similar project reference (if any).


Note: since I am located in Indonesia, I would prefer the job is taken by Indonesian people purely for easier control and communication. However, I am still open for any bid from around the world.


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