所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Custom Google Map with XML/Ajax integration

Custom Google Map with XML/Ajax integration 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edward taylor 接包方 : Klanious 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101244
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-29


I am looking for someone with documented Google Maps API knowledge. To qualify for this project you must also have good knowledge of Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, XML and PHP. I would prefer if you have examples or a portfolio showing off previous Google Maps jobs.

The finished product will display custom markers and info windows using the Google Maps API based on an initial longitude and latitude to center the map and mark the position of the primary object. Additional markers are automatically placed around this object based on how big the map is and zoom level. There will be two sources for the data and both of them will parsed using either SQL queries or XML output from PHP (depending which works the best) to obtain the longitude / latitude and basic data needed to display them correctly on the map. The additional markers will load using AJAX, which will be reloaded when you resize, move or zoom the map. The two different sources (Hotels and Points of interest) should placed in layers so that it's possible to turn on and off them using variables if I only want to display one type of object. A third optional layer will consist of polygon shapes that can be overlaid on top of the map, this should also be possible to toggle on and off.

There are already finished code for this project which you will be handed upon receiving the job. This includes a basic Javascript/jQuery function to display the map using XML data, plus custom markers, CSS classes and a jQuery lightbox etc. You are expected to work from these files and complete the project as described. I estimate from those files that ~25% of the job is already done. You are however free to delete and add things as you see fit to meet the requirements.

- Map must be called from a PHP function with the possibility to set initial long/lat, maximum number of markers shown and the width / height of the map etc.
- All Javascript must be written with or compatible with the latest version of the jQuery library.
- The map must utilise the Google Maps API version 2 or 3, whichever works best.
- All code must be documented using comments.
- Data handling must be secure so that external websites can not load or use the data in any way.
- Markers must be displayed with custom icons (that are provided).
- Map must be re-sizable, meaning it will load and re-center the map if it is resized using i.e. jQuery CSS calls.
- Info windows will be displayed on mouse-over on a marker.
- Info windows must be displayed with CSS classes defined in an external stylesheet.
- Info windows must contain a clickable link to a Street View mode (based on coordinates) which will be presented using a jQuery lightbox (also provided).
- Markers must be placed in two layers (Hotels and Points of Interest) so that they can be independently loaded if needed.
- Separate layer for polygon shapes.
- Map must be compatible with Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, Safari 3, and Chrome 4 and higher.
- Performance optimized so it loads quickly.

- Markers are automatically loaded based on an initial longitude, latitude and zoom level.
- New markers that are in range are automatically loaded with AJAX on resize, movement or zooming of the map.
- If Javascript is disabled the map must fall back on a static Google Maps image with the same size given, centered on the coordinates and marked with a icon.

Questions? Don't be afraid to ask!



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