所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Corporate Digital Signage Webs

Corporate Digital Signage Webs 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Abel 接包方 : Rispl 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100507
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-15


What I need or require:

My client is a new Digital Signage company that is looking to have a website with the latest technologies and interactive features. They will start the site small, and grow the features over phases. The initial plan is to have around 15-20 or so pages and the platform of choice will be Wordpress as a CMS. They main reason that they want Wordpress is so that any and all changes can be made fairly easily. Some animation will also be needed, which is Flash based to show the services and business solutions that we offer. The following are the main sections of the site and will include either text with subheadings and links or additional menu items (pages).

1. Home

2. About Us

3. Business Solutions

4. Services

5. Guide to Digital Signage

6. The Digital Signage Lifecycle

7. Software for Digital Display

8. Blog

9. Contact

What I already have versus what the provider will deliver:

This is a brand-new site. I need full design done, with heavy graphics, including the color scheme for my business. The text has been copy written and the logo is designed already.

Other context/requirements that providers will need to know:

In terms of style, they would like a very conservative look and yet fresh with a Web 2.0 style. Our clients will be business of all sizes (including large organizations and government bodies also). It needs to be very simple and easy to use. They also want the proper SEO and keyword strategies applied to the site while development so that anyone looking for a digital signage vendor in their geography would be easily able to find them.

Specific expertise/background that I am seeking:

Please read up about digital signage and have some feedback and ideas for us based on your research in terms of suggested graphics and the like that we would have to use for their site. You must also have a lot of experience designing sites with the latest Web 2.0 look and feel and you should also have a fair amount of SEO experience.

Timeframe for delivery:

They need to have this website up and running in the next couple of weeks (May 5th is the deadline).

Other considerations:

- Please make sure that you have at least 9.5 or above ratings overall

- Strong English communication skills

- Please no low ball bids

- MUST have a comprehensive portfolio that I need access to before any decisions are made




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