所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Coding for the planet @ http://33needs.com/

Coding for the planet @ http://33needs.com/ 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Alison thatcher 接包方 : Iphoneguru 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99742
项目预算 : $100-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Rails Ruby UI Design
发布日期 : 2010-03-28


Coding for the planet @ http://33needs.com/

Type: Contract

What do we need?
A Ruby on Rails developer for a "solving the world's biggest needs" web application. You can check out a design sample here: http://bit.ly/bkAUua and a manifesto (of sorts) here: http://huff.to/9dBjjB

90% of the site functionality is similar http://spot.us/, which is sharing its Ruby source code w/the world on Github: http://bit.ly/bv09ez

What do we do?
How do you improve the living standards of five billion people while sustaining our planet? With 100 million solutions. We're creating an open, collaborative platform to solve some of our world's biggest needs. We connect the entrepreneurs solving our world's biggest needs to crowd-sourced investments.

For example, a 27-year-old man in Los Angeles, CA could invest as little as $10 in Husk Power Systems, a company providing low-cost energy services to rural India. A 19-year-old woman in Mumbai could invest $5 in Voxiva, a company using cell phone technology to improve health-care delivery in developing countries.

Presentation slides are here: http://bit.ly/dm1gO0

How we make money?
We're selecting the initial 33 entrepreneurs for site launch. Each entrepreneur has 60 days to raise $5,000, or $165,000 total (33 x 5,000). 33needs - our company - collects 10% of the $5,000 funding target from each entrepreneur. 10% of $165,000 = $16,500, which is one of our primary sources of revenue.

What's in it for you?
Money, potential clients and, most importantly, knowing you're contributing to something meaningful. 1, Money: We'd like to sign a 2-month contact w/you or your team to split the the "funding fee" 50/50. Assuming $16,500, your fee is $8,250; 2. Client relationships: Many of the initial 33 (plus many in the future) need coding work. We'd like to profile you/your team as a partner on this site; 3. It's just a good thing: I'm not trying to be dramatic here, but the world just needs something like this. We believe business has a role to play in making the world a better place.

Additionally, I'm speaking around the country to college/graduate students about 33needs and other world-changing opportunities. I'm more than happy to market your services to applicable audiences.

Let me know what ya think! I'm at


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