所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Iphone Application Goal Card Vision Card

Iphone Application Goal Card Vision Card 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Robinsonlucky 接包方 : Lililiwei 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 82897
项目预算 : ¥5,000
开发周期 : 23 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2009-07-30


Application Purpose:
To allow the user to create a goal or affirmation phrase that they are prompted to say or look at several times a day. This goal or affirmation can become the overlay of words that will be posted as a overlay over the top of their photos as their phone or ipod screensaver.
To facilitate the use of affirmations that a person can use and schedule the reminders within this persons diary to say the vocal affirmations.
Please refer to attachment for detials.

• Create a goal Card this is a “affirmation” or “goal” that a person can write down that they want to achieve but this affirmation is set as the wall paper, screen saver and start-up screen. (this should be further user selectable options)
o Ability to create and share goal card with as many people they want. E.g past into www.ping.fm or facebook
o There will be a list of 20 possible options that people can use as a template to start with and edit to make it their own. For example a goal could be;
“by November 8 2009 I will have $25,000 cash in my bank account and I will have booked my 2 weeks holiday to fiji”

• Prompts the user through the use of the ring tone and or SMS alert feature to say their affirmation anywhere from 1 -20 random times throughout the day while awake. (User can set the times that they are awake every day)
This app is to be created in a way that is clean and simple, so all design work is also required to be completed by the programmer. I can have a logo or an image created by the designer however all programing and application creation is required to be done by the programmer.

I have some attachments here Picture_15.png &Picture_16.png for you for ideas for the design o the application, I like the idea of being able to use the camera on he iphone to add pictures of things you like to your vision board or goals.
There is an app that is very similar if we can have all these features and their coming soon feature that would be great. Here is there website http://happytapper.com
Video http://happytapper.com/appsmovie.html

It would be great if we can integrate the features of both there applications into the one app is that possible?


接包方 国家/地区
Lililiwei (中标)


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