智城识别ID 434
发布项目数 43
好评率 100%
会员 0级
累计支付金额 ¥ 3000.0 RMB

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100% client satisfaction is our top priority.

We are team of experts in latest Microsoft Technology (MS CRM, .Net (2005), Sharepoint etc.

We have done mostly work in Sharepoint 2007 /MOSS (Installation, customization, developing web parts, integration , Reports & Training)

We have done extensively work with Microsoft CRM , Salesforce and Saleslogix CRM Solutions for training, implementation, customization, integration and development.

For our Dotnetnuke work, we have been working from DNN 3.0 extensively with DNN installation, skinn development, module development, training and support etc.

We have done alot big projects and will provide quality solution.

We had provided training of MS CRM, Sharepoint, Dotnetnuke (DNN) C#, ASP.Net, XML webserices & fundementals of .Net.


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