智城识别ID 42061
承接项目数 1
好评率 100%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 800RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone


Mzl.qzbnvaiy.175x175 75
接近 12 年前上传

开发周期 : 2 月
项目报价 : ¥70,000-¥80,000

Estée Lauder Cyberwhite 2011

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Apps designed specially for your iPhoneKEY FEATURES:- Provides you with detailed information of our new CyberWhite Brilliant Cells whitening products.- Get daily weather forecast and UV protection tips with our new UV Advisor function.- How to get the best luminous look? We share with you tips for a brightening look through 5-step videos.- Shares with you the CyberWhite new TV Commercial.-Test your Whitening and skin knowledge and get a sample of one of CyberWhite Brilliant Cells product for FREE.- Find out the nearest Estee Lauder store with our store locator.專為妳的iPhone所設計的雅詩蘭黛CyberWhite晶燦光應用程式主要特色:-提供全新雅詩蘭黛CyberWhite Brilliant Cells 晶燦光極致亮透美白系列產品的詳細資訊。- 瞭解每天的氣象報告,以及使用我們全新的「紫外線建議」功能而得知防曬小技巧。- 如何擁有透亮妝容呢?我們將以5步驟影片與妳分享打造亮白妝容的方法。- 與妳分享CyberWhite晶燦光系列的最新電視廣告。-測試妳的美白與保養知識,並且免費索取全新雅詩蘭黛CyberWhite Brilliant Cells晶燦光極致亮透美白系列試用品。- 以尋找櫃點功能找出離妳最近的雅詩蘭黛專櫃。- Optimize performence- Information update- China version release