智城识别ID 3934
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接近 15 年前上传


The network monitoring system is the public opinion through the network all kinds of information collection, classification, integration, screening and other technical processing, and then form a network of hot spots, dynamic, real-time statistical reports views expressed by visitors of the software tools.
With the rapid development of Internet, network media as a new form of information dissemination, has touched people's daily lives. User comments has reached an unprecedented level of activity, whether domestic or international events, can immediately form a line of public opinion, through this network to express views, disseminate ideas, and thus a tremendous pressure of public opinion, to any department, agency can not be ignored level. Can be said that the Internet has become the ideological and cultural hub of information and public opinion of the amplifier.
Public opinion, the monitoring system through the hot issues and key areas are more focused Web site information, such as: web pages, forums, BBS, etc. 24-hour surveillance at any time to download the latest news and opinions. Download complete data format conversion and metadata indexing. Right to download local information and a preliminary filtering and preprocessing. On the hot issues and key areas of implementation of the monitoring, the prerequisite is to build public opinion through the control of interpersonal interaction knowledge base used to guide intelligence analysis process. Intelligent analysis of the hot issues, first of all based on the traditional characteristics of a vector space-based technology, the content of crawling to do classification, clustering and summary analysis of preliminary information re-organization. And then monitored under the guidance of the knowledge base of public opinion-based semantic analysis, so managers can see the pulse of public opinion more effective, more realistic. Finally, the monitoring results, respectively, sent to the different functional departments to push for the development of measures to use.
The network monitoring system is the use of public opinion search engine technology and network information mining technology, web content through an automatic acquisition and processing, sensitive word filtering, intelligent clustering classification, topic detection, topic focus, statistical analysis, the achievement of the units to their related network monitoring public sentiment management needs and ultimately the formation of public opinion briefings, public opinion, the special report, analysis, mobile newsletter for decision-makers have complete control of public opinion trends, make a correct guidance of public opinion, provide an analytical basis.
