智城识别ID 1496
承接项目数 38
好评率 85%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 12894RMB
保证金 0 RMB

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Number of Employees: 1

When you combine over twenty business owned, many having devloped and wrote the business plans and kicked in the marketing strategy and advertising expertiese learned all with writing and consulting, you receive an expert with sage awareness to not only take your ideas and produced professional work, you receive the ideas put into the project that will enable you to have a professional on your team that will not only but your plan in motion, but guide and help acheive the awareness and success you desire. Let experience work for you, you don't have the time to learn by miss and hit strategys we all had to learn, they were learned and now used with powerful result targets put into each and every project we work with you on. We exercise strong core beleifs in our works, business first. We take your idea and even off the clock continually think up what is the best avenue to take it down so you achieve the same great success. Your product or plan we work with you on, is always first .

You can contact me either by,

Email, AOL, Yahoo, or blackberry @ bestsellwriter. Or MSN Live @--
I thank you for your consideration and time. I look forward to working with and consulting for your project or company to help you achieve maximum results as I drive for every client I represent, no less.

Best Wishes,
Mark Christensen

