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Need Android App Developed 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sarah jeffries 接包方 : Alisonb 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99036
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Android Search
发布日期 : 2010-03-11


Here are the details:

It will be an Amber Alert System. I have two versions in mind. One which is a simple version that isn't complex then one that is a complex global system.

What I want the APP to do is to be able to send a Text Message to everyone on the Users Contact List.

Allow them to create a custom list to send or just add there whole contacts.

The object of it is if there was a Missing person, lets say a little child. If you just send out 50 text messages giving instructions to forward these text to there contacts. Before you know it you have covered so many people in one small area.

I got this idea from a person that did this manually and it actually helped them find the little girl that was kidnapped.


The other complex system that I had in mind would be that when the use sends out an Amber Alert it actually sends to a server and is saved. For example when you open up the Amber Alert App the user could view all Amber Alerts posted for that day. Maybe using the Google Map or just by typing in they could search and view Amber Alerts posted by other users just around there Area. But basically they can search through all Amber Alerts people have posted up to a certain date.

This is just kind of what you can call the final goal we are working towards. You never know this could transform into the main system that everyone uses around the world. If it ever got that big you would be 100 percent partners and in on it all.

Me and my partner doesn't use many people. We like to find 1 and only 1 person we can use per field we need them for. We currently don't have a Mobile APP Developer.


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