发包方 : Diana martinez 接包方 : Dougallbright 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98983
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Search
发布日期 : 2010-03-09


Concept: The site will be a information site for user that looking for good hospital and doctor, so they can find a specialist from hospital around the world. The site will have information about each hospital, which included doctor and their expertise. The site will have picture of a hospital which include operation room, equipment, and admitting room. It also will have a picture of a nursing care and housing that are available. Price will be included in the site. The site will be dual language which is Thais/ English

1. Home
2. Hospital ( this will have a banner that say top 40 hospital and user can click in to see each hospital. Once they click in to those hospital it will show that hospital information and picture.
3. Search Hospital- will search best hospital by disease and by country. Just say once they click on Cancer, then would show the best hospital that are the best in cancer.
4. Search Doctor – user can search for doctor that are specialist in such area and have high success rate in curing for such disease or certain kind of operation.

5. Search by specialist - user can choose what kind of cure or plastic surgery specialist

6. Housing – user can search by countries to see which housing that fit their need either in pricing or environment. It can choose on room, decoration, specification.

7. Best Doctor of the year- this will show a list of doctor that performance or discover cure for such disease.

8. Insurance approval – User can check if there insurance company coverage on such hospital or housing in such countries. Which they can purchase insurance online, which will a choice of insurance and they can book it direct with those insurance company, which we will be their affiliate site

9. Buy Insurance – Life insurance, Health Insurance, Travel ins

10. Health Help Line
11. Live Chat with customer service and doctor.
12. Buy Real Estate – user can buy real estate in other countries
13. Retirement Plan – This will have housing that fit their budget and break down in cost of retirement in other country.
13. Resort and Hotel – which will include rental, extended stay, Monthly rental. User can pick area by beach, Mountain, City Life, Resort
14. Advertising/ Banner
15. Testimony ( I pass live and dead moment),
16. Catalog brochure – User can download information about each hospital by word and pdf
17. Contact Us
18. Invite friend and import contact – user can write and send email to friend that what day they will be in hospital and what hospital.
19. Affiliate Program
20. Keyword


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