所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Retail Site and Static

Retail Site and Static 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Matthew 接包方 : Getwebhelp 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98949
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SEO Testing CSS Search
发布日期 : 2010-03-09


We are currently in need of an e-retail web site that requires being both ecommerce retail and product static in designs, for selling one brand of products to individuals. We have the domain registered and hosting set up.

Before Bidding Requirements

We require Philippine base only due to local business presence. We will only consider those with similar website experience, please provide proof or reference links to this type of website work or have performed similar work. Project deadline is 45 days. Budget is between P25,000 to P50,000. Our selected web developing team will be base on verified experiences as well as competitive bidding. Please note this is an initial test project to build an on-going relationship for on-going jobs and will consider it from our experience with your services.

Specific Agreement

We would like to retain with the terms and condition of having all rights to softwares, codes, layouts to web pages, the scope and function and etc. It will remain as our copyrights. Also none can be displayed as a portfolio item or for any other reasons as well as distributed, licensed, sold and etc. to others. We will provide those instructions with images, artworks and contents copyrights.

We need the web site fully completed with no mistake, clean codes and running by the due date.

General Description Requirement

- SEO friendly construction ideally W3C compliant
- Shopping cart (will consider other advice on the shopping cart softwares ie: OS, Magenta, Zen and others)
- Product categories, with customizable product orders, via text boxes, combo boxes, check boxes and etc
- Multi currency
- User Accounts
- Editable CSS
- Admin for back end
- E-mail notification of orders
- Editable browser titles, page titles meta data on each page

Payment will be as follows:

40% at the time of code presentation on your server for testing the site by our team
10% on acceptance after resolution of issues, bugs, etc.
20% on acceptance after migration to our server
30% on final acceptance

Detail of Requirement
• Coded oriented for maximize exposure
• Ability to easily manage meta tags, keywords, and other factors that contribute to our search engine ranking is important
• Implement Google analytic
• The shipping calculator feature
• Mouse behavioural functions
• Jpeg enlarge features
• Prompt functions
• Form functions
• Mini Cart shown on each page
• Clickable items that is in the Mini Cart – opens up that item frame
• Allow the customer to specify number of the items to be placed into the shopping cart
• Display ‘Limited Stock Availability’ with short description – means there are only a number of this item available and could be placed on back order until stock is available.
• And to include prompt continue or cancel action (in a prominent position)
• Check out action update detail
• Check out action update backorder detail
• Discount codes
• Automatic order receipt sent to customer's registered email address when each transaction is complete
• Currency - default, with optional currency selectable
• Set different shipping and courier costs depending on location and different postal services
• Order engine will send email confirmation to customer and our own email address.
• Automatic printable invoice generation for each order

Frontend Integration
• Customer registration and login features.
• Customers can update their details, address, password and email
• Feature to update the status of the order (order received, back order, sent for picking, dispatched).
• Customer able to view order history in their account section
• Customers can request to cancel transaction at the order received on back order stage
• Website contact form with a drop down menu field giving options of enquiry type
(i.e.: returns, delivery, general queries, transaction queries (date purchase, receipt number) and etc

Backend Integration
• Use of open source software applications
• Orders page ability to sort by date, search by order number, item title
• New order section that are yet to be processed
• Order number automatically assigned to each order
• Drop down menu to update order status for each order
• Feature to send batch confirmation emails order has been dispatched
• Create and manage discount codes and promotions
• Online shop name or code specified on each customer account and every transaction
• Integrate website with paypal, world pay and other payment systems

• Searchable database
• Section to manage users and view users
• Charts to show sales, users
• Dashboard showing the number of new orders, total sales monthly
• Section to show search terms entered into site and top search terms
• User friendly addition of new products, categories and images
• Newsletters and promotions email system
• Manage newsletters and subscribers

If interested in considering for bidding in this project please reply as follows.

• Please provide proof or reference links to ecommerce
• Bidding assessment and details to approach
• Proposal to project
• Portfolio samples of other jobs
• Contact details



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