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Tutoring Style Site - using Joomla (customized) 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Linda robinson 接包方 : Liebhabe 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98676
项目预算 : $4,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Facebook Joomla PHP
发布日期 : 2010-03-07


I have a potential client that is looking to build a tutoring style site. The closest site out there is http://www.tutor.com/ but this is a little bit of an overkill for him.  The core aspect of the site would involve Tutors and Students login into doing a session together. The tutor would dynamically create a "Session Code" in their profile area and give it to the student to use. When the Tutor and Student use the code it starts to record their session time together. The client wants to be able to sell tutoring time blocks, tests and report on progress within a students profile page. Student's profile would also contain personal pages created by tutors or by the admin. A beta site has already been created with most of the functions, but I require a fresh start to incorporate more items.

What would be involved is
1. Membership component (group pages and private pages for individual members) (Users would be Super Administrator (me),Main Administrator (client), Tutors, Students)
2. Invoicing Students (Using PayPal and 3rd party Merchant Gateway). Invoices will appear in students profile and generated by Tutors and Main Admin. Payments is to be processed by merchant account.
3. Integration with DimDim (www.dimdim.com) for use of their Whiteboard and desksharing
4. Ability to have the student purchase time and display amount of time remaining in their account.
5. Record all time spent and report on how much time each tutor spends with students
6. Create a nicer, more user friendly interface for the client to create Pages, menus and manage the site then default Joomla interface ect.. ( I have a working sample that I will show the developer) 
7. Promotional Boxes (i.e. banners)
8. Integrating Virtuemart (with digital download) (and bridging it with the membership section)
9. Creating dynamic registration forms (with payment options)
10. Newsletter to members (groups)
11. Autoresponder system
12. Integrate Facebook Connect
13. Twitter Update widget
14. Appointment scheduler (which will display the availability of tutors, administrator and show up in the student's profile)

You must have extensive experience working with Joomla 1.5 and databases in general. Please provide a list of jobs you have done and how you have customized Joomla to fit the requirements of your past clients.




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