所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Need a highly experienced iphone game Dev

Need a highly experienced iphone game Dev 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Marcus jefferson 接包方 : Akswebsolutions 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98569
项目预算 : $5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-06


I'm looking to find a company or A person that is highly skilled and has experience in the whole process of design, programming of iphone GAMES. I need a iphone App designed around a game that involves Dogs. This game should have great graphics and it will have goals/levels for the iphone user to accomplish while playing. I have a few others main parts to this game , but I can't list them until I approve someone to view them and that's once I received a complete non-disclosure agreement. 

I would like to have some of my ideas and suggestion taking in consideration, but am also open to your ideas and designs too. Also please only respond if your a serious game maker, you have made games that have good graphics and you have some idea about Dog Games that have movement and action. 

I am flexible with my budget and time. I want the company I choose to take the time necessary to do this App right and I don't expect a quick turnaround. Also I will be flexible with your time and I hope that you take that into consideration when putting in your bid. I am a very easy going person that enjoys to join the team and help out. I don't expect for my providers to just guess what I want. I will be there 100 % for this job also. I have made Apps before and I understand the process.

You will have to agree to fill out a NDA form. When I receive your NDA form Completed I will send you all the info on my App. Thanks Mike


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