所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Online Menu Ordering (php)

Online Menu Ordering (php) 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Terry hall 接包方 : Voanj 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98053
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-03


Online Order system for a restaurant menu

Written in php/ajax?
all information stored in MySQL database
Language support for admin & public menus
System uses templates.

Orders are delivered to a specific email address.  Is there any other options?  (Or is it possible to have auto printing of each order?)

Setup Restaurant Information: name, street address, city, state zip, phone, fax, email, web address
Add timezone property you can change it for the setup.
Specify Hours per day that order can be produced (I.e. times they are open)
Setup payment options: cash, PayPal, merchant credit card, check
Add ability for delivery or pick up only
Add forgot password choice questions (but not remove could affect blanks on customer side)
Setup Order delivery email (email sent to mailbox for printing)

Ability to add categories
Ability to add menu items (That include: title, description, Price, Image
Ability to have sizes for menu item, with different prices (example small, med & large pizza  or 1lb or 2lbs)
Ability to add option to a menu item (such as Pizza toppings 1/2 or full size with add on price or 0.00 cost)

Set tax % (has a default but allow by location), if large delivery area, they could deliver to multiple counties or tax zones
Set delivery fee (possible Multiple fee based on mileage from zip code db (which I have if needed))
Coupons: they can be a %off, or $ amount of money, or a select item at set price Like large pizza $5.00 ** all coupons should have a date range, but if no end date it stays valid.  At time of entering start date should default to today's date.

Take a Phone in Order (which is same as customer ordering)
Review customer info
Review customer orders & ability to duplicate as new order but make changes to new order
Review daily order totals with drill down to detail of orders with ability to print an order
Review monthly & yearly totals 

Order Review & print queue?

View menus list categories, items, sizes & options w/prices (be nice to offer PDF version for custom to print out)
View order menu *same as above but you can place orders
Add any item to an order (with quantities default of 1)
View cart contents
Be able to remove items from cart
Ability to login
Ability to bring up previous order (without payment or delivery info & dupe that order, then make changes as they want.)

Check out process should 
             &n bsp;  Review order
             &n bsp;  Make sure they are logged in
             &n bsp;  Verify delivery (as they might be ordering for a second location If so need to duplicate customer info for second record)
             &n bsp;  Allow for a discount coupon - see admin about coupons
             &n bsp;  Add tax for location
             &n bsp;  Add delivery fee
             &n bsp;  Allow for tip to be added
             &n bsp;  Show total
  Pick Delivery Date (default to today - but check open hours)
             &n bsp;  Choose Pick up or Delivery (based on admin options)
             &n bsp;  How they are going to pay (per admin option)

Required info for check out:
             &n bsp;  Should ask for customers: first name, last name, email, password, phone number, street address, city, state, zip, forgot answer, captha on 
             &n bsp;  Form input, offer storing of customer credit card for reuse next time.
             &n bsp;  credit card info : full name on card, card type, card number, card expiration Month & year, card CCV(added extra show them how to find it) 
   Street Address, City, State, Zip, Phone number (be nice if we can have a check box to use delivery address if same)



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