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Php probid customization 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lisa washington 接包方 : Canbayir 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97998
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP Logo
发布日期 : 2010-03-03


I am buying php probid software. 

About Me:
1. I need a company to customize the website.
2. The auction is for pet related stuff. It should be caterogized by pets: dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, etc. 
3. A lot of written material will be posted on the site too: ie, FAQ, selling 101, buying 101, marketing 101, etc.
4. The color sites are light blue and white.
5. I have a custom logo that should be incorporated into the site. (Two light blue hearts on top of each other.)
6. There will be individual people, stores, charities, shelters, etc on it.
7. I will play a FLAT FEE for the project.
8. I ONLY pay through taskcity. (if this is a problem, do NOT respond!)

Questions for you.
1. Have you worked with phpprobid before? Please send your portofolio! 
2. What are your suggestions to make the website have a nice, clean feel?
3. Will you send me a mock up BEFORE you create the site?
4. What are your suggestions to make it look nice?
5. What are your suggestion to NOT do on the site? (ie, create four columns on the homepage)
6. If you have any modules to add, that would be fine. 
7. I NEED a forum on the site. This is CRITICAL! You must be able to add / incorporate a forum onto the site! 
8. How much would you charge? (FLAT fee only!)
9. How long would you take to customize it?
10. Comments? Thoughts? suggestions?

This is the phpprobid sites:
I have a list of ones that I like. Which ones do you like that you can incorporate into the site?

Must be able to communicate daily through email and phone.


接包方 国家/地区
Canbayir (中标)


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