所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Android application needs developers

Android application needs developers 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Thomas kirk 接包方 : Space2010 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97965
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Android
发布日期 : 2010-03-02


We are looking for experienced Android developers creating a mobile App for us. (See file)

The app will be using GPS, WiFi and GSM for collection of indoor and outdoor positioning data sent to a server database. Web-services will be created by us to display information from the data sent from the mobile to the server.

You need to have experience from earlier Android mobile app development projects and we want you to present documentation on skills and talent relevant to the project and how you have been working with android and positioning techniques in the past, including WiFi-triangulation.

We will, a short time after you have shown interest in our project, send back a description of the app to You. This will help You take an interest in the project and understand it better.
You will also be asked to present a short and brief application requirement description for communications purposes prior to assignment.

The suggested budget is estimated for a smaller test version, later on followed by a complete application build in steps in three version to follow the test version.

We cannot make a proper budget estimate for all versions until we have tested and evaluated the smaller test version. If the test fails to meet our requirements we will have to re-evaluate the whole project.

So we will start making one contract for the smaller test version and later on another new contract for the the following versions. We hope to keep the same developer assigned for the all versions to complete project.

Please tell us why You believe this project is right for You. We will return to You the project information for You to get a deeper understanding of the project, if and when we believe You are right for us.

If You like to bid directly to all versions, after having read and understood the documents You will receive, we will accept this as long as this is done compliant to GAF rules and you have enough facts to make a realistic bid.

We will, either make a further appointment with you, as work progresses, for all versions. Or we will put in a new ad and have more bidders bid, when the test version is completed, depending on the success rate for the test version.


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