所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Car mapping Application

Car mapping Application 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Simon jeffries 接包方 : Satchinc 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97879
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : iPhone Blackberry
发布日期 : 2010-03-01



I wish to create a mobile app (Iphone/Andriod/Blackberry) which display a number of cars on a map.

What I need is an app which allows customers to register with us (passing either the mobile/email address though). Once registered it should:

1. Display a map which takes the current handsets location and shows cars in that area.
2. Default set to 10 miles diameter view
3. Ability to zoom in/out from 1 mile to 30 miles via a slider.
4. The cars(small icon pic) would then be shown based on their Long/Lat location.
5. Users can click the car icon and a pop up will show with a picture on left and the drivers details on the right (this would be Name,Number, Registration number and Rating (1 to 5 stars)).

If the driver is known to us (will pass a bit flag to you) a button will show in the pop up saying "I'm in the car". This will then pass the handsets mobile number and the cab id back to my database.

If this is possible the next step would be to add an option to show previous journeys (although the map would still be the default). This would show a drop down/grid (the driver pic and the date). Once clicked this would show the full driver details,, date and time of journey and allow a rating (1 to 5 stars) to be entered - as a one off rating.

All information would come out of our company database e.g.
1. Small Icon pic for driver
2. Position of cars
3. Pictures of driver
4. Driver information on right

You can have this information however you wish e.g. web service which I will write for you. We would need to work together on this bit and so I am very flexable on the deadline.

Once done I would need a little help to launch these on the appropriate platforms (Iphone/Andriod/Blackberry)

Please let me know your thoughts



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