所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg mma site with leaderboard

mma site with leaderboard 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helen clarkson 接包方 : Dramirez30 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97816
项目预算 : $1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP
发布日期 : 2010-03-01


to get more familiar with what i'm looking for, you can see similar sites at mmaplayground.com and cageplay.com ....a lot of basic features from these sites is what i'm looking for including; membership w/profile, ability to charge membership and give those members extra features, forum for members, and 2 leaderboards(members select fights and are graded in +/- units) and a second leaderboard for longest win streak(so i need to be able to manually adjust the fights dated by time).

an admin panel is a must where i can control most of the site. the closest thing i can find online to what i want is at poppydog.com - they have a registration system and members area tool, password protector for web pages, multi poll survey builder, poll builder

essential needs are:

-member database, able to modify, delete, notify members. paid membership option which changes what the member can do

-i can post polls that will display for members when they log in. poll/voting builder, i am able to display polls, whichever ones i want and wherever i want

-a voting application(like college football top 25 where i can get votes to establish a top 10, and a way of tracking 1st place votes in the voting poll

-the 2 leaderboards as described above; must have the ability to grade the fights and change the times of the fights(which affects the win streak count)

- members forum, member profiles with options to customize

-a custom homepage, example would be like http://www.coolhomepages.com/store/cart.php?target=product&product_id=17026&category_id=3

**will need help uploading to my webhost and some support. let me know what type of support you are willing to give. I am fairly green so keep that in mind. : )

If you have any questions about the project, please reply and i will be happy to fill you in so that you can make a more accurate bid.

thank you



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