所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Custom Coded Site to WPMU

Custom Coded Site to WPMU 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Jessica davis 接包方 : Itgenes 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97580
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-22


I'm looking for a developer who has experience setting up and customizing WordPress MU with BuddyPress. I'd like to get the platform set up and got properly running, will need the look and functionality customized a little and have data moved from one database into that newly set up WP MU database. Here's the scoop:

I own a busy social networking site. It gets over 200,000 uniques a month and is entirely custom coded, including admin back end and forums. I would like to have WordPress MU with BuddyPress replace this custom script. You could use the design that the website currently uses or you can code a brand new theme for as long as it has a professional and elegant look and is entirely in tableless CSS (valid) with all proper SEO demands met.

Since this is an existing site, it has data in currently used database. I would need a programmer who's able to check current database structure and find which table stores which data and then use a script to move this data into the correct WP MU table. That goes for all forums, blogs as well as members, as user data is also stored in the database.

There are also pictures which are were uploaded by users as their profile galleries and are stored locally on the server (they are very well organized). Those will need to be also renamed/moved so they work with WP MU.

And then I will need to get a redirecting script in place that would issue a 301 redirect to all existing URL and redirect traffic to new URLs as WP MY uses SEO friendly, non dynamic URL structure (a big plus). Current scripts use dynamic URLs which is not very good. I will need new WPMU installation to utilize SEO friendly permalink structure and because of that, it will be essential to have a script in place that would issue a 30 redirect to all old URL and point them to new ones.

Please contact me via PM for more information.


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