所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Website Wanted

Website Wanted 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Betty clark 接包方 : Andrewchoi 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97576
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-22


I am looking for someone to develop me a penny auction site exclusively offering gift cards / vouchers for auction.website must be easy to run and maintain.Must have experience in developing this type of auction.

Auction must include count down timers.

Free bids for user sign up. These will be granted to the user once they make their first bid package purchase. It should be limited to 1 bonus per IP address and email address to prevent multiple sign ups by the same user.

Complete admin panel that gives me complete control over all aspects of pricing, start and stop times, etc. Further, any changes made that are displayed on the front end of the site, should by dynamic and automatically update when a change is made from the admin panel.

Ability for users to schedule autobids (BidButler type feature) where they can have complete control of when and how many bids are placed for them while they are offline.

Integrate an SLL certificate to make all bids and purchases secure.

-Integrate Authorize.net , Paypal, and Google Checkout for payment processing.

You must be able to fix bugs that are found for up to 1 year after the site goes live. The amount of time it takes to support bugs is up to you. Do it right the first time and this will be a non-issue.

You will have to install this on my server, or I'll just give server access for you to build it and test it on.

In addition to the script, you will have to design the layout and graphics for the site. If you're unable to do this, If you will not be able to do the design work, your bid should reflect this.

Autobidder module that can be turned on and off from the admin panel. I should be able to designate, on each auction, the number of auto bids to ensure a percentage profit for each auction.

That's it for now until i think of something else.


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