所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Joomla Real Estate Website Modifications

Joomla Real Estate Website Modifications 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Alison harrison 接包方 : Guildinfo 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97448
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-19


This project is to fine tune and layout of text fields and design for all pages of an exisiting joomla website called bee homes.

The main pages required are:

property listing link ( a sub listing pages)
overseas ( a sub listing pages)
property display page
agent profile
services page ( linking to another content pages too from home page)
selling property

also home page need cleaning up in terms of design aspect and overall website to match the theme with all pages.

Also add the flow of pages correctly and check any outstanding errors. 

The guide example to use for this project is a website called "rightmove" which provide the benchmark for all requirements.

No core funcation programming is required and non must be change to the realtyna module that is used as the property extension.

Full details are available on request as I have a docment explains the main elements that i require, I will provide specific requirement once the successful applicant begines.

Other thing that i require are:
resolve cached index problem visable in google
backing up all website and transfer to a new go daddy hosting
Adding a wordpress blog link


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