所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Development of chat application

Development of chat application 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Anna stevens 接包方 : Eleni77 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97125
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access AJAX UI Design
发布日期 : 2010-02-13


IMPORTANT NOTE ** = The price specified (500$) in the ad is set only for creating the ad at taskcity , feel free to set your price , the price will be set/determine by the candidate.

Project summary :

The purpose of the project is to create web-based chat application for website visitors which will allow
users to enjoy a unique communicative experience that combines text correspondences (messages) ,
multi-player games , advanced multimedia features and audio/video conferencing.

The chat application will be integrated with different websites which hosted on separated servers offering to users an easy access to the chat application 

(all chat users from all the websites/domains will be connected to one main server and will be able to communicate with users from other servers) .

The chat application will provide to users the option to participate in two types of chat platforms :

One-on-One or Public chat . 

the users will have to choose choose one of two options:

    1. one on one – the chat application will connect two users to the chat platform (one on one) randomly using matching algorithm of the next filters : age , location , language and sex

    2. public rooms – the chat application will connect users to public chat rooms which users can participate in public chats or creating private chats with other users .

the application will include two types of access approach :

    1. guest / non-registered : users which dosent have membership will be able to login to chat application using guest access , they will have to provide just general details such : nickname , age , location , language and sex.

    2. Members access : users who have membership will login to the chat using their user-name & password . only users with membership will be able to manage friends list and have a unique nickname/id. 

New visitors will have the option to create membership by fill out simple registration form.

The chat will be designed in lightweight and comfortable way providing users an easy & attractive UI (user interface) that's will make the chat communication more interesting and enjoyable . (design of UI will be provided by me) 

The design of user interface should be placed in templates , so design can be replaced on the future and be suitable for each website look.

The chat application must be written in a smart & effective way (modular ,functional and scalable) so upgrades and changes will be possible in the future.

the application will support audio/video conferencing over a streaming server such Red5 / Wowza. 

The application should include the latest technologies such load balancing , Ajax / Jquery.. to ensure real-time communication without any decreasing in running speed.

The application should be scalable so additional chat servers can be added to prevent system collapse.

i can supply list of similar applications on net for reviewing


接包方 国家/地区
Eleni77 (中标)


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