所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone Application - Zippo, Lighter Clone

iPhone Application - Zippo, Lighter Clone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Johnson 接包方 : Nibirutech 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97098
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-02-12


Hi Team,

We need a exact clone of Zippo Lighter iPhone application. Please view the below given URL to know about the applicaiton. 
I need the exact clone of this give demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH8QxlkfcOw  

Please give me your budget and timeline regarding the clone of this.


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