所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg TT WEBSITE

TT WEBSITE 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sharon dent 接包方 : Muradakhter 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96823
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-08



This website is being made to promote a book . This is a voucher book aimed at people travelling in to London, UK and even UK residents.’. There are vouchers for the following categories:


The website should consist of approximately 5 pages
1)Home page
2)Examples page - how you can save money - flash technology
3)Purchase page (I am not sure how many pages this will need) eg confirmation pages etc
4) about us page, ecommerce
5) links to twitter, facebook etc
6) members sign up - newsletter sign up

The pages should reflect our logo colours. It should be easy to use, fun and be simple with strong clear messages of money savings. We have a jpeg picture of what front cover should look like

Home page

This should have the following links – 
About Us
Try before you buy – the examples page
Our phone number should be on each page

Purchase Page
We want people to be able to buy the book from the website with a fixed delivery fee of £x. Hence we need a basket and people have to agree to our terms and conditions when they purchase from us. They need to provide details about themselves in order to purchase the book from us. We require the following details:

Country of residence
Home Telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address
Date of Birth
How they heard about us.

A unique member number should be given to the customer registering 

There should be a tick asking if we can contact them with promotions

Examples page
At the same time we would like people to be able to see examples of the savings they would get by buying the book. We would like to classify our customers as the following:

The family travellers
The couple

After they have clicked on the appropriate category (eg family, couple, student or older traveller) they should have the option of choosing from three things about where they will go in the morning, then they should be able to choose what they will have for lunch, what they will do in the afternoon and then what they will have for dinner. At the end once they have made all their choices the final savings in £ should be shown.

Botton of page we should have:

terms of use
privacy and cookies
advertise with us
contact us


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