所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Wordpress Site

Wordpress Site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sharon kirk 接包方 : Iphoneapps 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96704
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-06


I need a website designed for a fitness club facility business. This needs to be built on a wordpress platform and be search engine optimized. The site will need to have between 5 and 8 pages and 1 blog page that can be updated daily.

This is a brand new site. I will need the full design and graphics. The logo will be provided and colours will be pre-determined. All the copy for the site will be provided.

The site needs to have a healthy, lifestyle look and feel. There will need to be pictures of people working out, healthy food, etc.

Sample sites would be

There will be more websites than just one in the near future. If the job meets expectations then there is a good possibility of a steady stream of work awarded.

I should be clear that this site CANNOT be built from a template. This needs to be a custom designed website built on a wordpress platform.  The site will need to be search engine optimized with proper plugins.


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