所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Stretchy App 4——Alien Guts

Stretchy App 4——Alien Guts 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Clark 接包方 : Jasson 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96251
项目预算 : ¥8,000-10,000
开发周期 : 30 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-01-30


Originally it was meant as a toy to just play around with, but we had
feedback that it would be better if it were a game. So we retooled a
little bit and made it a game of memory and speed.
I've attached a sample for reference. Keep in mind the sound effects are rough.

The object of the game is to dissect the dead Alien as quickly as
possible while remembering the order of the guts that plop out.
1) The user has 2 ways of playing - Open and Levels. The one I've
attached is Open, where the user can stop when they feel they've
reached the limit of their memory skills. In the Levels option, the
game defines what the goal is (The user can type in the starting gut
number, and every time they pass the level, the goal goes up 1 gut and
they replay). The option will appear after the Splash page (it's not
pictured in the movie)
2) Once they hit return, they go to the Operating Room.
3) To start the operation the click the green button, starting the timer.
4) The user touches the alien and pulls a gut out. Everytime they pull
out a gut, the previous one goes away (I'm open to exactly how it
happens). The stretching effect of the is really important to adding
to the fun of the game. It needs to stretch and snap back in a natural
5) Once the timer is stopped, the user is instructed to shake the
iphone to begin the challenge.
6) Once shaken, the screen changes to the Specimen Room, where jars
containing the guts they have dissected settle into place. *The guts
are floating in a liquid inside the jar, so some subtle gut movement
will be necessary. Layout of the jars will need to be considered,
since there could be a lot of jars on the screen at any one time. I
think the bast way to handle it is to have them in rows of 3's and if
they exceed the 9 on the screen, they will have to scroll down for the
rest. We'll have to consider how the jars slide around...do they take
the place of the moved jar, or do they just slide over...I'm open.
7) Once they've placed the jars in the correct order, they click the
results button, to see if they were right and to get their stats.
8) If they are Wrong, the type up top changes and the incorrect jars
light up. A button appears asking if they want to try again (not shown
in movie).
9) If they are right, the screen changes to a Score Stats. There are 3
factors that are involved in the score - Gut Count, Time and Guts Per
Second Ratio (Time divided by Guts).
*In the Levels option, a 3rd button "NEXT LEVEL" button will be on
screen if they are correct.

The user can submit their score to a Web scoreboard. If they qualify,
then their name and score will be posted in the record book . The
record book will go by this criteria in order:
1) Gut Count
2) Time
*Guts Per Second will also be listed
So for example, if 100 people enter 15 guts, only the top 5 will be
listed, based on the shorter amount of time it took them to finish the
Development of they web list should be included as a separate item in
your bid.
*Regarding sound effects, you will be supplied with a series of
effects to apply randomly to certain movements, as well as ambient
sound effects (for example, you 'll have 10 different stretching sound
effects, plopping sound effects, jar clinking sfx, etc all to apply in
random fashion to the designated action).
As I mentioned, I will supply all the art and sound effects. Please
let me know if you have any questions.
Look to hear any ideas you have
Here are all the elements for Alien Guts in the attachment named elements 12_10. There's a word doc and storyboard in the misc folder that should help you out


接包方 国家/地区
Jasson (中标)


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