所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Flash Admin App and webservice

Flash Admin App and webservice 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helena harrison 接包方 : Volume4 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 118309
项目预算 : $250-750
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2011-09-01


We have a flash components collection/library (with components like gallery, banner rotator, caroussel etc..), each of the components of this collection use a xml file for the configuration (where we can setup the size of the components, define the images/pictures, the text, define the options etc..)

What we need is a flash admin managment application for all this components, a unique interface where the user can setup easy in a flash interface each of this components. With this interface the user can personalize easy each xml configuration file of the components.

For example, check in this page (you have the component and below the admin interface):


we need something very similar to this interface for the components configuration.
Note: We already have create the interface design in fla format.

When we use the admin app to configure the flash components, the result have to be inserted in a webservice (and not in a xml file).

The process is:
*Open the admin app to configure a component of the database
*Check in webservice if this components have already be edited before and read the last configuration from webservice
*After editing the component configuration in the admin app we save the result in the webservice

General Specifications:
-The admin app need to use a xml configuration file where we can set the component name (from the components collection) we want to configure (the admin app can be used to configure all the components in the collection, but the interface show only one component configuration at the same time)
-The admin app need to use a xml configuration file where we can setup the text of all buttons and text of the interface (for translation purpose)
-We need a integrate help system, where user can access to some informations about each functionality (like a “?” icon, where user can click and acess the informations (some text) of the functionality)

Components Specifications:
-When user open the admin interface , we open the interface managment of the particular component we have set in the xml config file
-With this interface the user can setup all parameters of the default xml configuration file of the component we have choose (maybe in some components we don t need all parameters, but we go to check components by components together)
-For the components where user can setup files/images, we need to link the apps admin to the “Multimedia library” of the user (in my platform each user have a personal folder where he can upload images, videos etc..., this is the “multimedia library”)
-User can upload images directly to (saved in the user folder)

Save/Read Specifications:
-Need to use webservice to save and read the options of each components, and for each user.
When user open the application you have to check if he have already define parameters before, checking the webservice.
When user save the parameters in the application you have to insert/update it in the webservice

Why we have to use the webservice?
Because, each user can have several website inside the system, and in each website can have several page, and the user can setup the same components (but with diferents options) in diferents page of the website.

So, when we open the flash applactions the platform send the user_id,website_id and the page_id, so you can check if we already have something for this page (site/user) in the webservice.








We send detailed specification for each components to the winner, and for this job we have 10 components to insert


接包方 国家/地区
Volume4 (中标)


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