所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg copy catch phrase app

copy catch phrase app 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Jiomhov 接包方 : Syx4254111 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 106283
项目预算 : $1,000-2,000
开发周期 : 14 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-09-10


I want to develop a clone of catch phrase, but with a different name, sounds, graphics, and information because I do not have the copyrights to the game. It should be a very simple project, and should not be hard to complete.

There are already plenty similar on itunes, you can check attached to help you understand what I want. Remember this is a simple project, don't make it complicated. And let me know your quote and what you think. Thanks,

[2018-02-26 01:06:55 增加内容] It's actually not an application on the iPhone yet. It is a hand held game that you play. Here is a description you can look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch_Phrase_%28game%29 Basically what I want to do is create the same game but on the iPhone! We will have a menu where you can choose the category, such as Sports, Movies, Plants and Animals, Food and Drinks, Family, or Everything! Then when the category is selected the game goes to a new screen with team one and team two in the upper right and left hand corners. When the start button is clicked a random word for the category shows up. And a timer starts to count down from 1 minute, but the timer is not shown on the screen just a sound of a timer. Once the round is over, you much click on team 1 or 2 and they get a point. The first team to 5 or 10 wins! And the game can restart. NO I will not be providing the UI or sounds, but I can provide all the 1000s of words for the categories. Let me know what you think!
[2018-02-26 01:22:34 增加内容] It's actually not an application on the iPhone yet. It is a hand held game that you play. Here is a description you can look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch_Phrase_%28game%29 Basically what I want to do is create the same game but on the iPhone! We will have a menu where you can choose the category, such as Sports, Movies, Plants and Animals, Food and Drinks, Family, or Everything! Then when the category is selected the game goes to a new screen with team one and team two in the upper right and left hand corners. When the start button is clicked a random word for the category shows up. And a timer starts to count down from 1 minute, but the timer is not shown on the screen just a sound of a timer. Once the round is over, you much click on team 1 or 2 and they get a point. The first team to 5 or 10 wins! And the game can restart. NO I will not be providing the UI or sounds, but I can provide all the 1000s of words for the categories. Let me know what you think!


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