所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg flash javascript html project

flash javascript html project 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Beryl edwards 接包方 : Brushfiredesign 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102329
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-19


We will pay $300 upon the completion of this project. The absoulute deadline is 11am eastern standard time on may 18. We will escrow $150 at the begining of this project. only bid if you agree to these terms and include estimated time of completion.

We are deploying an ad into various ad networks and need to be able to break out of an iframe reliably on the major networks.

You will need to create a swf that:

Initial state is a 300x250 (see below). When a user clicks on the button the image expands into a second 460x375 (see below). The expanded image must always be visible on the page. So if the add is on the right, it expands left, if on the left, it expands right, top, expands down, etc. After expansion, if the user clicks the "close" button, the image is returned to its original state. The swf must be generic for any location on the page.

Since these will be deployed on an ad network into an iframe, you must supply javascript to break out of the frame. It is assumed that an additional file will be required on the deployed site (e.g. www.foo.com/breakout.js ). You must also supply this file.

Our goal is to have a generic solution that we can deploy many times with differing graphics. You must supply all source code and documentation.

The code must be tested and verified as working in Zedo, DoubleClick, Atlas and a native deployment.

Fully documented source code and swf

Embed code for Zedo, DoubleClick, Atlas and native deployment (might all be same)

Javascript file to be deployed (at root dir) of host site to allow for iframe breakout



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