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Website functionality development 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : George johnson 接包方 : Codexa 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102286
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-17


Only experienced and serious PHP developers with high number of feedbacks may bid.

I have an existing website, made in Joomla, currently having only contents. I want to add some customized functionality to this site, using PHP and MySQL.

After the user logs in, using Joomla’s default login module, he will see the following additional options:
1) Add
2) View / Edit
3) Search
4) View history

1) Add
This page will have an input form having 10-15 fields. Few drop down boxes have data populated from the DB, there will also be an input box with auto complete facility populating the field as the user types. The entire form will have AJAX validations.
User will be able to create multiple such records of his own.

2) View / Edit
This page will have a list of records inputted by the user using the Add functionality. The user can select any record and Edit the details, if required or delete the entire record.

3) Search
This will be an advance search facility, on different fields, where the user can search records inputted by other users.

The search results will be displayed in a table format. User will not be able to see the complete record details in the table, but only few of the fields. Each row will have a “View full record” button, clicking this button he will be able to view the full record.

4) View History
On this page the user will be able to see the list of records for which he had viewed the full record, using the “View full record” button.

This is a pretty straight forward job, but the reason why I require only experienced PHP developers is because I want top notch coding and database management. The number of records expected in the Database is very high, so the Search functionality should be able to query the database with speed and without putting additional load on the server. Databases and queries should be designed anticipating the high loads.

I will also require assistance in integrating the new application onto my existing Joomla website.

I am very particular about the layout and design of the frontend forms and will not accept even a dot to be out of its place. So be prepared to provide quality work.

You can expect further development work from my end, for further site enhancements. Phase 2 planning as already started.


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