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PHP Base Job 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Mark andrews 接包方 : Ahalim 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102256
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP
发布日期 : 2010-05-17


I need a PHP based DXF to jpg conversion utility.

Please only respond if you are experienced with both PHP and DXF. The PHP program is to be web based and must ask the user to upload a file and the scale of the image required, once uploaded the program must convert the DXF file to a JPG image, and return a text report based on the DXF file.

. DXF ASCII formats of R14 and earlier must be supported.

. The DXF following entities must be supported:







. If no supported entities are found a message saying such should be returned to the user.

. Any entities not drawn on the same plane (i.e. with a Z dimension) should be flattened to be on the same plane as everything else.

. Unsupported entities must be handled gracefully. Any found should be listed and the list returned to the user. The image should still be generated by just ignoring the unsupported entities.

. Different layers must be supported, and layer colours should be used when creating the image.

. GD library should be used to generate the image.

. Metric and imperial DXF files must be supported

. In the report returned to the user, the following should be listed:

* Metric or imperial format

* Total size of the drawing, i.e. bounding box

* Total line length used in the drawing. This is the total line length for all entities. (If this isn't possible with the TEXT entity I can negotiate)

* The number of nodes in the drawing. (Again if this isn't possible with the TEXT entity I can negotiate)

* The presence of any zero length lines, or zero diameter arcs or circles


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