所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Convert site to Joomla utilizing CB and DtRegister

Convert site to Joomla utilizing CB and DtRegister 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Linda stevens 接包方 : Javasuccess 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102250
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-17


We are an adventure travel company offering canoe and walking trips worldwide. Please review our static existing site www.battenkill.com to get an idea of what we do. Our goal is to update the look of the site, as well as enable on-line processing of reservations and payments. I wysiwyg'd, http://new.battenkill.com/new1.htm , cut and pasted this dummy page for an example in Dreamwaeaver, This is only an example of the overall look -- -- We will start with Symphony template from Yootheme with minor revisions.

We are seeking a JOOMLA + PHP expert with extensive experience in Community Builder and DT Register to create a new site from our old website. There are three milestones to the project
1. Fresh Install of Joomla 1.5 along with following modules/extensions (we will be responsible for all costs of components)
-Install yoo theme template along with several Yoo tools, yoo toppanel, yoomaps, and slide show module (or similar).
-Community Builder to store the client information
-DT register for client registration and payments.
-JEvents to list the trip departures for dt Register
-photo gallery…that works with smugmug--jsmug or similar
-Upgrade the pdf option within joomla
-Acajoom for newsletter component, also intetrate with dtregister
-Jfusion to coordinate information.

2. Import data from existing site into new site.
-Using our and our existing site for direction (http://www.battenkill.com) , to adapt the yoo template (or similar) to emulate the look of http://new.battenkill.com/new1.htm.
-Import existing data base of 8,000 users into CB of about including email addresses. We will need to create a temporary login system for them since they have not registered on their own.
-SEO concerns involving search engine optimization, and bookmarked links to our old pages must be addressed as well as url concerns.

3. Refine the design of the site and template to more clearly reflect the design goals.
-New header
-Subtlety, but forcefully incorporate phone number, email address and sign up for newsletter in the
-Trip at a glance in the right column is a summary of the trip that needs to be edited for each trip: Trip Summary, Departure dates, Price, Rating, Trip Highlights, Trip Notes, Detailed Day-by-Day Itinerary

We are looking for professional freelancers who first understand the process and the desired outcome, who are proactive in foreseeing problems, and can work efficiently with good communication skills. We will first mutually develop a workplan, before starting coding since I strongly believe that time spent planning will save countless hours and frustration later. Preference will be given to single freelancers, not teams; at least direct communication directly with the designer.

This is a reposting of an older project that was not completed; partly to freelancer failure, but also the core component DT Register has been upgraded.

Please professionals only, . Please post three links to the best joomla based websites that you've created, keeping in mind the clean, subtle, professional look we are seeking. Please be specific in your bid, and your comments, specifically your experience in core components CB and DTRegister.

Thank you and I am looking forward to your bid.


接包方 国家/地区
Javasuccess (中标)


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