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Project Treadstone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Arthur kirk 接包方 : Codewalla 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102097
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-12


Looking for a Joomla expert(s) to help develop a B2B website for a client. I am looking for a partner who can work on pieces of this project. There is a FIRM deadline of June 8th for this outsourced piece to be completed and tested.


Site requirements call for the development of a document repository. This repository will allow subscribers to the site to upload critical business documents into a private folder/area that only they can access to upload and download. It is critical that this private folder/area be secure and only accessible to the subscriber.

The site is a membership based site. Subscribers pay a monthly or yearly fee for the content and the features on the site.

What we need:

1. Someone to develop the document repository by either creating a whole new application or by using a currently available extension (DOCMan?) and modifying it to fit our needs.

2. Someone familair with the template system in Joomla who can modify the chosen template (called ETHOS) to fit the needs of the client. This includes graphic changes and layout of the homepage. For this we need someone familiar with CSS, HTML, UI, etc. The template documentation and information can be found at http://www.joomlaxtc.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=417:joomlaxtc-template-jumpstart-install&catid=923:template-documentation&Itemid=198

3. We will be using the Open Source Membership Control application to control membership, access to content, payment through paypal, etc. Information about this extension can be found here:
We will be looking for some guidance as to how to best setup and use this extension to fit the client needs.

If you or your team can handle this project, please bid.

Outsourcing requirements:

1. MUST Have extensive Joomla experience (Please include list of sites you have worked on).
2. Must speak English
3. Must be willing to commit that the work will be completed NO LATER than June 8th. Failure to meet this date will incur monitary penalties. This is a hard date and under no circumstances can be changed. If you are not comfortable with this date, do not bid.
4. Must be willing to start immediately.
5. Must have excellent knowledge of CSS and HTML to work on the template project. Must also have a understanding of User Interface techniques.
6. Must be willing to work independently at times.
7. Bid submitted must be a FIXED bid. If you cannot agree to this term, do not bid. We will agree to a price prior to the start of the project and will not pay more than the agreed price.
8. Must be available via Email and IM (Windows Messenger). I will supply you with phone number in case immediate contact is necessary during the project.

More details will be available to the winning bidder.

We are looking for a partner who can work with us to ensure our client is satisfied. We are also looking for a partner who can be called upon for future work when needed as this site will be updated frequently and other projects are in the pipeline.

If you have any questions, please ask before bidding.

Thank you for taking the time for looking at our project and bidding.


接包方 国家/地区
Codewalla (中标)


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