所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Real State Directory

Real State Directory 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Patricia jeffries 接包方 : Sourabhraheja 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101966
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : UI Design Search C
发布日期 : 2010-05-11


Real State Directory

The website should be a dynamic real state directory.

There will be 4 kind of users:

A. Owners:

- They will be able to register on the site and post properties. There will be four different levels of classified ads: 1 free and 3 paid ads (they will provide time limited promotion on the home page).
- If the user choose to pay for a feature ad, the property will be posted at the beginning as a regular one, and after the payment gateway informs the payment is ok (the site will need to be integrated with DineroMail), the post will become a featured one.

B. Real state business:

They will be able to register and post properties the same way the owner do, but receiving promotional discounts when posting several properties.

C. Buyers

- They will be able to navigate the site and search for propierties. If they want to ask for the owner information they will need to register.
- They will be able to register to a newsletter, where they will include contact info and seaching parameters (property price, zone, etc.).

C. Site Ops / Admin

- They will be able to post / modify and delete users and properties.
- They will be able to modify the text of the website pages.
- They will be able to administer banners ads.
- They will be able to create promotion codes, which will be valid for owners to get feauture ads at discount price (three codes).

The site:
- Will be integrated with DineroMail (a local payment gateway).
- Will have a newsletter module, activated automatically according to some criteria defined by the Admin.
- Will send mail alerts to admin according on some site events, based on criteria defined by Admin.
- The design will need to follow Web 2.0 style, the text will need to be in Spanish.


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