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Child Spelling Game 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Laura smith 接包方 : Mainegraphicsonline 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101753
项目预算 : $750-1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-07


Game can be done in Flash, Silverlight, DHTML, CSS, et al...

Our graphics people will supply art in developer's desirable format; we are assuming psd or ai

IT people will supply database of eligible words, hints and clues in desired format.

Here are the game basics:
? Child goes to website
? Child enters their name
? Child enters a code which indicates what letters they have to work with; there will also be a database that contains:
1. The ten letters that child has to work with
2. 15 words ranging from 4 letter to a single 10 letter word that can be formed by these 10 letters
3. By each letter is a smaller number which indicates how many words that letter is used in (The numbers reduce ?after? a word is entered successfully)
4. A clue (Could be a single word or short statement) that is associated with each word
5. A hint (same parameters as clue)
? At Beginning of game:
1. Letters appear at bottom of screen
2. Dashes appear indicating how many letters in word
3. Clue appears
4. Child drags letter(s) into place and when they believe they complete work, they click submit button
5. If child pushes ?Hint? they lose a few points and an additional clue appears
6. I child pushes ?Cheat? a letter is populated and stays in place, larger amount of points are lost
7. If child pushes cheat again, another letter appears and more points lost
8. After child completes word, they move up to next level

? When a child successfully spells a correct word, there is some sort of visual/sound payoff
? Big Payoff in end leads to printable certificate



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