所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Flash Game Development

Flash Game Development 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Barbara williams 接包方 : Etatvasoft 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101719
项目预算 : $750-1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Flash ActionScript C
发布日期 : 2010-05-06


We need a flash developer to create a fun game in Flash.

The concept is to make an interactive game that allows the creation of a merged face from two images.

Here, the user selects features from photograph 1 and photograph 2 and the composite face is built based on these selections.

Steps in the game:
1) Select photographs. User have choice of uploading their own pic or select one from the cast members

a) Give option to browse photographs of cast members individually
b) Give option to upload photograph1 and photograph2 individually
c) Prompt user to go to next step

2) Select skin tone & background for composite picture. User can select from image options provided.
a) Provide 4 images which will show different skin tone. Let user select one image add some visual cue to indicate which image is selected
b) Provide 4 background options. . Let user select one image add some visual cue to indicate which image is selected
c) Prompt user to go to next step
3) Click, Hold and Drag your mouse to form a circle around each photograph’s mouth

a) Display image of photograph 1 and 2 selected in step 1
b) When user clicks and drags the mouse display circle in that area
c) Give user unlimited chances to draw circle
d) Prompt user to go to next step
e) Do not allow user to go to next step if has not drawn circle on both photgraphs
4) Repeat step 3 for all the features like Eye, Nose, Chin, Hairline
5) Display Composite image, Allow swapping of features on composite photograph.

a) Display composite image which is developed based on user’s selections
b) Provide features list for each source photograph’s. two columns with list of features (Eyes, mouth, nose, chin, hair)

c) Give user option to select feature. Based on selection update image.
d) Prompt user to go to next step
6) Name your composite image

a) In the popup provide text field for user to type
b) Prompt user to go to next step. When user clicks for next step close the popup
7) Manipulate your composite images’ features by clicking and dragging

a) Display hand cursor and when user clicks and drags particular part of baby’s face image will distort/ blur/ extend in the direction the cursor is dragged.
8) Provide progress bar which shows progress (on which step user is)

Send the .swf file embedded within an HTML page. You must send the .fla file or any other script files used.
• Must be developed in flash using AS2

Sample URL:

There are many of these applications available. One sample is http://www.knockedupbabymaker.com/

Please note we are only interested in the composite image generation process and developing the underlying flash based on the requirements above.

We will subsequently ‘skin’ the game in new variations as a phase 2 to this project.



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