所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg WPMU bug fixing & customization

WPMU bug fixing & customization 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helena brown 接包方 : Teamsp 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100840
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-22


Searching for a PHP programmer with experience particularly in WPMU, buddypress and WMPL

Bug fixing(150$) and customization(250$) of an existing WPMU installation with 12 subblogs

(150$) as explained below (of course if necessary, more information will be provided)

--> major Bug 1; in IE the main blogs navigation bar doesn't show after customization of default themes header.php (pb-sn-parent), already localized the problem to the problem creating buttons, which are 'forums', 'groups' and 'contacts' of which contacts is new
--> major Bug 2; buddypress profile page after editing the profile the submit button doesn't send the form data and therefore changes can't ba saved (on italian version)
--> major Bug 3; buddypress adminbar shows/repeats the names of the main blog for each subblog instead the correct names when user changes the language to italian or uses login on IT version, even though each role "admin/amministrazione" is translated correctly and all links are correct
--> minor Bugs; clicking on pages in the IT version and then trying to change the language to EN does not do it, meanwhile everywhere else it does + some Tags don't link to the correct Post, they link to another post instead + some strings over the whole site can't be translated even though get_text element and mo. po. were edited correctly

(250$) for the customization of 3 plug ins see below in brackets

All running on a dedicated Lynux Server:
CPU:      GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Xeon(R)CPU X3320 @ 2.50GHz
RAM       2GB (already 1.1 GB)
HD:        200GB
Version: psa v8.6.0_build86080930.03 os_RedHat el5
OS:        Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5
Domains:3 domains on including

        WPMU 2.9.1 with buddypress 1.1.3 default theme installed and planning no updates for these 2 (except there is a way in keeping the 1.1.3 theme on the new bp)
        Everything is multilingual via WPML for now EN & ITALIAN!

        Site Wide Plugins activated:
        - BuddyPress 1.1.3 (+50$ restrict groups to a specific role on this version, since the plug-in "bp-restrict-groups " is for the bp version 1.2 & higher and we don't want to update!
        - SexyBookmarks
        - Akismet 2.2.7
        - TinyMCE Advanced 3.2.7
        - WP-Print 2.50
        - AHP Sitewide Recent Posts Widget for WPMU 0.9     
        - BP Hide Widgets 1.0    
        - BP Group Calendar 1.0.5    
        - CPT BuddyPress XProfile Privacy 0.1
        - bpPicture Album 0.1.1
        - BuddyPress Multilingual 0.9.2
        - Digg Digg 3.5.1

        Plugin installed & activated on the main blog:
        - Better Tag Cloud --> Bugs; Tags are not showing the correct Posts since they are multilingual
        - Dagon Design Import Users 1.1.13 (budget +100$ for customization in order to import more data into bp-xprofile table)
        - DBC Backup 1.1
        - Event Calendar Version 3.1.4
        - Event Calendar Widget 3.1.4
        - Exec-PHP 4.9
        - Executable PHP widget 2.1
        - Google Analytics for WordPress 3.2.5
        - ILWP Colored Tag Cloud 1.2 --> Bugs; Tags are not showing the correct Posts)
        - MapPress Easy Google Maps
        - NextGEN FlashViewer 1.3
        - NextGEN Gallery 1.5.3 --> not running on the subblogs extra credit if someone can make it and we can get rid of "Lazyest Gallery" Plugin installed on the subblogs
        - NextGEN Smooth Gallery 1.2
        - Popover plugin 1.5
        - Post Teaser 4.0.1
        - Role Manager 2.2.3
        - SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 2.2.9
        - Smooth Slider 2.2
        - Stream Video Player 1.1.3
        - Users to CSV  1.4.2 (budget +100$ for customization in order to export bp-xprofile data to this CSV)
        - Wordpress Tabs Slides 1.9
        - WP-BANNERIZE 2.4.1
        - WP-Polls 2.50
        - WP DragToShare eXtended 1.13
        - WPML Multilingual CMS 1.7.1

        Plugins installed on 1 subblog:
        - Sidebar Login 2.2.9
        - WP-Filebase
        - WPML Multilingual CMS 1.7.1
        - WP Shopping Cart 3.7.6

        Plugins installed 1 by 1 on all 12 subblogs:
        - WP-Filebase
        - Lazyest Gallery --> installed because NextGEN doesn't work on subblogs

        Plugins that still need to be installed: (appreciate consultation here)
        - Simple Sitemaps & All In One SEO 7
        - W3 Total Cache

        default theme for the subblogs is the Arras Theme

1) Are one or all of the Bugs above familiar to you and do you think you can handle fixing them?
2) Are you available right away and can you meet the deadline Tuesday 27.04 00:00?
3) Are you reachable over Skype and do you have the possibility of using screen sharing tools in order to communicate with me?

Thanks in forward for you time,
I can assure that after successful cooperation and before June 2 new projects with higher budgets are waiting for you, already!




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