所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg CodeIgniter Membership 2

CodeIgniter Membership 2 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lucy jeffries 接包方 : Porchys 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100758
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access
发布日期 : 2010-04-20



Don't just send me a list of websites. All bids that do this will be automatically rejected.


Payment is broken down into modules, as each is completed uploaded to my server, tested and approved, money is released.


Integrate work from other providers into membership module.

$100 BONUS if you keep to deadlines and finish on time.

Provider must have extensive Code Igniter experience. Provider will complete current membership functions that are either not complete, fix existing bugs and create new codes as stated in Membership MSWord document. The site is built on Codeigniter 2.0 with Web 2.0 and be viewable on Window IE and Mozilla and Macintosh. Detailed document for Regular Membership and jpgs of page layouts will be shared with the provider chosen.

Membership has 4 levels - 3 paid, 1 free. There are payment calculations (member fee upgrade or downgrade), there are reward points for various activities, limitations to features depending on memberlevel, recurring billing for member fees. Payment gateway is authorize.net . Members can create groups, do mass mailing, upload multiple photos and videos which needs to be converted to .flv files and dynamic delivery, and much more.

There is use of FFMPEG with videos and provider is expected to install and configure it for membership.

There are other providers working on different modules of the website and provider will need to share codeigniter codes with those providers so that they interface properly with membership. For example, membership level, status needs to be validated in other modules prior to granting access to privileges, recording of purchases and reward points needs to be recorded in members' accounts.

Thanks for your attention. Additional Info (Added 4/19/2010 at 3:48 EST)... System Message: This is a reposting of project CodeIgniter Membership (1269410147).


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