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New Yellow Page Site Creation 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ruth major 接包方 : Planetsynergy 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100656
项目预算 : $5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-18


We are wanting to build out an online Yellow Page site with a focus on bookmarking local businesses.  We are planning on the site build out to take approximately 5 months.  We have a budget to build the initial site for launch of $5,000, paying $1,000 per month until the site is completed.  As long as you perform a good job we will want to build out further after that point as well.  If after going through our detailed instructions thoroughly you feel like you can get it done faster, please let us know and we can speed up the payment process.

This is a fairly complex site that will require the following skills:
- Very good English language skills
- Knowledge of geo-targeted data
- Ability to work with complex search processes (searching through database data)
- Building out an admin panel to control: business profiles, reviews, advertisers, etc.
- Strong SEO coding skills, since we will be competing against sites like Yellowpage.com and Yelp.com, so Permalinks and metadata are very important
- The ability to integrate the site design we've put together in Photoshop
- Knowledge of working with API's: specifically working with Facebook, Twitter and possibly Foursquare and allowing them to interact with our users.
- Ability to integrate both XML, CSV and Excel files into the database and onto the site
- Ability to integrate video onto the profiles

The site code can be whatever you are most familiar with, however it has to be very scalable since we are planning on this site having millions of visitors and each visitor performing multiple search queries through the database.  We also want to know what code you would want to use.

We have a very detailed instruction document to send to you if you feel this project is what you are looking for.  If after you read the detailed instructions you feel you are a good fit the project and we hire you, we have a number of Photoshop files we've designed in order to show you the layout and design we want for the site.  These are not 'web-ready' Photoshop files, they simply are what we've created so you can build out the site.

Please let me know if you feel this is a project that fits in with your skills and we will follow up with further questions, please include any previous work you've done, especially if it's been in the Yellow Page's industry.




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