所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Simple PHP CMS with MySQL

Simple PHP CMS with MySQL 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Kimberly dent 接包方 : Igloo360 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100422
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-14


We require a simple Content Management System (CMS) to be programmed.  The front end of the site is already designed and laid out in HTML/CSS.

You will need to:
 - Create backend CMS for add/edit (as per below)
 - Create 'raw' front end PHP files, which we will integrate into the front end ourselves.
 - RAW means no styling, or integrating with design. Just working simple pages.

For the editable Content we require:
 - A page listing all content items (with a link for editing the item, or Create a new item)
 - This listing page should have filters at top for CATEGORY and TYPE and a search box to allow user to quickly find item they want to edit.
 - Add new page
 - Edit page (with a link to delete the item)

 - Title (text field 255 chars)
 - Short Description  (text field 255 chars)
 - Long Description (memo field)
 - Date
 - Active (boolean)
 - Category (Dropdown)
 - Type (Dropdown)
 - Keywords (text field 255 chars)
 - Priority (boolean)

User Edit
 - Only require one user
 - Username: goc
 - Password: church199
 - Ability to edit the username and password
 - no need for editing/adding of additional users

 - Category (eg Church, Child Care, Nursing Home)
 - Active (boolean)
 - Ability to add/edit/delete categories

 - Type (eg News, Calendar, Infosheets)
 - Active (boolean)
 - Ability to add/edit/delete types

Goes in the /ADMIN folder

For the field ' LONG DESCRIPTION' it would be good to use a WYSYWIG editor such as http://ckeditor.com/

The ability to upload 'attachments' with CKEDITOR to link within the description field is required.

All admin pages are to be restricted to allow only logged in user to access it. (Hence a login page will be needed)

 - Show a list of all categories
 - Select a category and it shows all matching items, grouped by Type (With heading), and sorted by Type, then Date (where active=true)
 - Separate page that shows 4 items (Randomly) where ACTIVE=true and TYPE = Infosheets


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