所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Fully documented Drupal/Ubercart Site for 21,00...

Fully documented Drupal/Ubercart Site for 21,000 products 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sharon kirk 接包方 : Ccrews17 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100387
项目预算 : $3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-12


Hi my name is Patrick C.  I own a computer repair and computer consumable shop in Bristol England.  I also work as a development manager full time, and have 10 years as at tester in development environments.    I require a fully documented,fully commented and fully functional drupal/ubercart e-commerce site for the sale of printer cartridges and other computer consumables.  

The site will be required to contain 21,000+ products.  

Search mechanism must be like cartridgesave.co.uk read spec.needs to be organised so there is brand of printer, class of printer and model of printer.  The choice of the first dropdown determines the content of the next dropdown and the second dropdown is not enabled until a choice is made with the first.

When the model of the printer is chosen, they product page comes up.  The layout of the product/printer page should compatibles or remanufactured should be on top and the new OEM ones on the bottom and all cartridges related to the printer should be on the page, the different ink volumes and remanufactured or OEMs.  See Cartridgesave.co.uk

I need the ecommerce site fully populated and this may require you to hire and use people for data collection so please include in your bid with the 21,000+ products of my primary wholesaler.  There must also be a way to update prices automatically from the cost price of the wholesalers file, available.  I realise that this process may not be fully automated but one of the key deliverables is the documented method of updating the prices from the wholesaler's updated file. You may require manual data entry resources.  Please include this in your bid and itemise it.  Or you can say that you cannot provide the resource but you still must include in your bid the management of these resources to get the 21, 000 products tidied up or for the creation of unique id field to match the wholealers unique id.

The work will be done on a hosted site.  You will be required to maintain in a documented fashion a dev site, a test site and a live site.  Therefore you should have linux admin/ Plesk resources as well as programmers

Schedule and payment.  I want the entirety of the work done within 4 months. An agreed design must be the first part of the work For cash flow reasons I don't want it done sooner than that  The deliverables, schedule and payment will be agreed in detail at the start.  I want no surprises. There will be penalties for not keeping the schedule

Project Management I will require a project management contact and ongoing log that is updated weekly.  I will require a summary of activities described and reported to me upon any payments to be made.

Your bid should be a 1 to 2 page schedule written up as to who you are, about your organisation, what resources you have i.e graphics persons, drupal experts , DBAs for my sql, data entry etc..., what initial estimated cost is we ( may need to refine this as you get to know exactly what I want), with deliverables mentioned against pay dates. You should have examples of previous work and refernces that I may contact.   This should indicate what you will be doing when. 

Before the work starts i will require a more detailed plan to the level of theses types of tasks:

Create project plan and designate resources
Create db scripts and code for updating from wholesaler site.
Get garphics signed off.
Create Site Installations
Setup backups.

I am in software devlopment so I woud prefe to work in a professional manner with good plans and good communication.


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