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Service Comparison Site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Patricia jeffries 接包方 : Kapilpearl 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100158
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-07


Tailor Made Support is a UK based company established in 2005 to provide business support services to SMEs worldwide.

Our committed team have many years experience in a wide range of business support functions including:

Admin - Marketing - Technical - Editorial - Translation - Management

We provide our services on a no obligation basis - no minimum spend, no ongoing contracts. Pay-as-you-go, or get guaranteed support at lower rates with a rolling contract.

Please review our taskcity portfolio to find out more about the sort of things we can do for you and your business.

Tailor Made Support is a UK based company established in 2005 to provide business support services to SMEs worldwide. 

Our committed team have many years experience in a wide range of business support functions including:

Admin - Marketing  - Technical - Editorial - Translation - Management

We provide our services on a no obligation basis - no minimum spend, no ongoing contracts. Pay-as-you-go, or get guaranteed support at lower rates with a rolling contract. 

Please review our taskcity portfolio to find out more about the sort of things we can do for you and your business.

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I am in the early stages of defining requirements, but am interested in producing a service comparison site similar to whichesp.com but for a different vertical market. 

Requirements are outlined below. 

Comparison website requirements

Comparison engine
The comparison engine should work very much like the one on http://www.whichesp.com – it is for a different vertical market – but the fundamentals are the same. 

Key requirements: 

Featured provider
General Featured – a randomly generated featured service provider on homepage
Category Featured – by category – as above but specific to the category being browsed. 

Comparison engine
Compare up to 5 providers at one time in a similar way to this: 
http://whichesp.com/browseall/Please%20select%20up%20to%205%20providers%20that%2 0you%20wish%20to%20compare

Must be capable of handling several hundred listings in total

Must have advanced search function like this but with different categories: 


Must have the ability to add additional providers on the fly - either by database CSV import or by manual addition via web interface. 

Other content requirements

Blog/News section (ala Joomla or similar)
Contact Form
Banner Management function
Newsletter subscription – 2 options – buyers and service providers

I would like to know: 

1. Would you produce a bespoke solution or use an off the shelf plugin for something OS like Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress?

2. How much?

3. How long would it take to develop? 

4. Have you experience on a similar project - please provide examples. 

Many thanks, 
any questions please ask.


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