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Mefeedia.com Clone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Joseph jeffries 接包方 : Dkumar 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100062
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-05


Ideology of website:

“Founded in 2010, the project will be largest independent video site in the world by indexing videos from top ranked video sites. It’s a one stop spot for online hosted videos. Instead of visiting each site individually, we have centralized all the videos so you have access to them with just one search query. Simplicity is bliss.”

Basic Summary: 
This site will be a clone of mefeedia.com for a different niche of videos.  We don’t need games and etc, just the video indexing. The main goal of the first version release will be indexing.

Design Inspiration:
We are concern with performance, behind the scenes functionality, and intelligence rather than looks at the moment. Make it easy on the eyes. 

Required knowledge: 
PHP, MySQL, AJAX, RSS feeds and video capturing and processing using Yamdi, FFmpeg and of its sorts.

Additional Specifications and Requirement: 
1. When users click on the plus sign to add the video to their quick list if they’re not signed in or registered, I want them redirected to the sign-up/log-in page.

2. At least the top 10 video sites will be indexed. The video sites will be provided to you.

3. Screen cap of videos needs to be generated and while it’s being generated a temporary image needs to be displayed. A lot of thumbs need be generated at the same time. The number of generation should be adjustable.

4. Completely tag driven. I need the categories to be just links with a search query and not an actual category.

5. The code must be clean and efficient and high performance. We are planning on indexing/screen capturing 1,000,000 videos in a matter of months.

6. Documentation must be descriptive and self-explanatory. Any user should be able to take a look at the documentation and be able to install, modify and administer the software.

7. Search engine optimization takes high precedence.  Especially each page needs to have proper meta-data and formatting. The titles need to be in headings HTML tags. The descriptions should include the title + description + tags to ensure search engines place nice summaries in their SERPS.

8. Video page naming. The video page names should be like following: http://www.domain.com/videos/video-index-number/ and also http://www.domain.com/videos/video-index -number/word-for-word-description.html . The second naming convention should be how they’re listed on the site.

9. Ad space. A 320x50 ad space on each page. Check out http://www.mefeedia.com/video/30068217 right above the “subscribe” and related video’s section. Other examples: http://www.mefeedia.com/popular/365 and http://www.mefeedia.com/video/26044102

10. A google sitemap is needed for search indexing.

11. I need depatcha added to the log-in and sign-up forms.

Price and work opportunity frequency:
The work should be really easy for an experienced programmer. Candidates must keep the initial development price to a minimum and low as there will be constant software improvements and version changes.  Therefore we are promising work on ongoing bases.

DO NOT reply with a generic response, you should customize your response showing that you've read requirements. Ask good questions. If you don't pay attention to this last part I will reject your application right away as it represents your attention to detail.


接包方 国家/地区
Dkumar (中标)


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