所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg PSD to XHTML/CSS with powerful CMS integration

PSD to XHTML/CSS with powerful CMS integration 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Dorothy thatcher 接包方 : Tinyapps 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100040
项目预算 : $5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-04-04


Our company has 5 different domains that will use the same basic layout and functions, but with a different color scheme / theme on each website.

We have the pages for this site designed in Photoshop already, we just need them coded and a CMS (Drupal, perhaps) build into them.

The sites CMS include the following:

- Homepage flash rotator. Includes headline, and summary text. Links to a page with further details.
- Blogs. Multiple blogs with their own specific page that can be clicked on from the navigation bar. The homepage will feature a "feed" (combination) of all of these blogs, the most recent appears first.
- Calendars. Includes event date, location, time, venue, image, and cost to attend.
- User Profiles. Users should be able to sign up for new accounts. When a user signs up, there needs to be a field asking them if they'd like to subscribe to a newsletter. Our newsletters are powered through MadMimi.com. If the user says yes, they will be subscribed to the specific site's newsletter.
- Audio Poll. Ability to listen to an audio clip uploaded by user, and vote on an option. Feature must also be able to make audio portion optional. 
- Videos section. Ability to upload videos or post from YouTube. There must also be some ability for a pre-roll advertisement to play before videos.
- Photos section. Publish photo albums with descriptions.
- Commenting. Users must be able to comment on specific blogs, photo albums, videos, etc.
- Countdown Tool. Countdown to specific event. Page with more information optional.
- RSS Feeds. Music news from various rss feeds.
- Podcasting. Users can upload MP3's which will be featured on a web podcast. Should also publish to iTunes feed.


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