所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Need support for sale of a website

Need support for sale of a website 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Philip peters 接包方 : Jdlampard 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 100022
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : MySQL
发布日期 : 2010-04-04


Just sold a website on Flippa.com.  Unfortunately my developer is no where to be found to help support the sale of the site.  I need someone that can unravel the technologies being used in the website and be able to answer questions from the buyer.  The questions are below:

1.       Can you explain briefly how the script works and achieves the task – just the various stages of the script and the processes and outputs involved.
2.       Can you please list out and describe the functions of the xxxxxxx.com web application both in terms of the user and the admin.
3.       How do the cron jobs work – how many cron jobs are there and how is the workload split across the cron jobs, How are the cron jobs setup – do they have to be manually setup on the server or is it automatic by the script?
4.       Multiple servers – you mentioned that although not activated there is an option in the database to setup multiple servers to either split the load or to provide checking from multiple locations around the world – would you please provide more information on this option and how it works.
5.       What would be involved in moving the site to a new server - please detail any specific setup requirements that would need to be in place on the new server (eg the setup of Cron jobs) other than the basic transfer of files and the MySQL database.
Details of Development
1.   Information you have received from your developer on the implementation of SMS text message alerts into the script.
2.   In one of your PMs you mentioned it would be easy to implement RSS feeds - can you explain more what you mean by this?
3.   Details of your current merchant account, who it is with, costs per month and per transaction and details of how to change the script to utilise a new merchant account that I open whether it be with the same provider or with a different provider.
4.   Have you had any discussion with your developer about integrating Paypal as an additional payment option if so please forward the details.


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